Sarah Ruff
Apr 26, 2017
This is the last session of this study. We close out the book of Revelation getting the wonderful details of eternity and some warnings...
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Sarah Ruff
Apr 19, 2017
What Happens After God's Wrath?
Many of us want to know the future. In fact, not knowing what's to come can be a source of worry, anxiety, and even fear for some. God,...
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Sarah Ruff
Apr 12, 2017
Who is the Woman on the Beast?
In Revelation chapter 17, an angel talked with John and said, "Come I will show you the judgement of the great harlot who sits on many...
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Sarah Ruff
Apr 5, 2017
A Reaping and A Winepress!
Session 6 covers Revelation Chapters 14-16 and is a review by John of the first 11 chapters covered earlier in this study. John even...
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